
Contributors and advanced users can use this workflow to install via Poetry. Poetry installation allows direct use of the most recent version of the code. This workflow allows advanced users to use the newest features in OpenSoundscape, and allows developers/contributors to build and test their contributions.

Poetry installation

  • Download poetry

  • Download virtualenvwrapper

  • Link poetry and virtualenvwrapper:

    • Figure out where the file is: which

    • Add the following to your ~/.bashrc and source it.

      # virtualenvwrapper + poetry
      export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
      export WORKON_HOME=~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs
      source [insert path to, e.g. ~/.local/bin/]
  • Users: clone this github repository to your machine: git clone

  • Contributors: fork this github repository and clone the fork to your machine

  • Ensure you are in the top-level directory of the clone

  • Switch to the development branch of OpenSoundscape: git checkout develop

  • Build the virtual environment for opensoundscape: poetry install

    • If poetry install outputs the following error, make sure to download Python 3.7:

      Installing build dependencies: started
      Installing build dependencies: finished with status 'done'
      opensoundscape requires Python '>=3.7,<4.0' but the running Python is 3.6.10

      If you are using conda, install Python 3.7 using conda install python==3.7

    • If you are on a Mac and poetry install fails to install numba, contact one of the developers for help troubleshooting your issues.

  • Activate the virtual environment with the name provided at install e.g.: workon opensoundscape-dxMTH98s-py3.7 or poetry shell

  • Check that OpenSoundscape runs: opensoundscape -h

  • Run tests (from the top-level directory): poetry run pytest

  • Go back to your system’s Python when you are done: deactivate

Contribution workflow

Contributing to code

Make contributions by editing the code in your fork. Create branches for features using git checkout -b feature_branch_name and push these changes to remote using git push -u origin feature_branch_name. To merge a feature branch into the development branch, use the GitHub web interface to create a merge request.

When contributions in your fork are complete, open a pull request using the GitHub web interface. Before opening a PR, do the following to ensure the code is consistent with the rest of the package:

  • Run tests: poetry run pytest
  • Format the code with black style (from the top level of the repo): poetry run black .
    • To automatically handle this, poetry run pre-commit install
  • Additional libraries to be installed should be installed with poetry add, but in most cases contributors should not add libraries.

Contributing to documentation

Build the documentation using either poetry or sphinx-build

  • With poetry: poetry run build_docs
  • With sphinx-build: sphinx-build doc doc/_build