Audio and spectrograms

This tutorial demonstrates how to use OpenSoundscape to open and modify audio files and spectrograms.

Audio files can be loaded into OpenSoundscape and modified using its Audio class. The class gives access to modifications such as trimming short clips from longer recordings, splitting a long clip into multiple segments, bandpassing recordings, and extending the length of recordings by looping them. Spectrograms can be created from Audio objects using the Spectrogram class. This class also allows useful features like measuring the amplitude signal of a recording, trimming a spectrogram in time and frequency, and converting the spectrogram to a saveable image.

To download the tutorial as a Jupyter Notebook, click the “Edit on GitHub” button at the top right of the tutorial. Using it requires that you install OpenSoundscape and follow the instructions for using it in Jupyter.

As an example, we will download a file from the Kitzes Lab box location using the code below, and use it throughout the tutorial. To use your own file for the following examples, change the string assigned to audio_filename to any audio file on your computer.

import subprocess['curl',
                '-L', '-o', '1min_audio.wav'])
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 3750k  100 3750k    0     0  2060k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 13.7M
CompletedProcess(args=['curl', '', '-L', '-o', '1min_audio.wav'], returncode=0)
audio_filename = './1min_audio.wav'

Quick start

Import the Audio and Spectrogram classes from OpenSoundscape. (For more information about Python imports, review this article.)

# import Audio and Spectrogram classes from OpenSoundscape
from opensoundscape import Audio, Spectrogram

These classes provide a variety of tools to load and manipulate audio and spectrograms. The code below demonstrates a basic pipeline:

  • load an audio file
  • generate a spectrogram with default parameters
  • create a 224px X 224px-sized image of the spectrogram
  • save the image to a file
from pathlib import Path

# Settings
image_shape = (224, 224) #(height, width) not (width, height)
image_save_path = Path('./saved_spectrogram.png')

# Load audio file as Audio object
audio = Audio.from_file(audio_filename)

# Create Spectrogram object from Audio object
spectrogram = Spectrogram.from_audio(audio)

# Convert Spectrogram object to Python Imaging Library (PIL) Image
image = spectrogram.to_image(shape=image_shape,invert=True)

# Save image to file

The above function calls could even be condensed to a single line:


Clean up by deleting the spectrogram saved above.


Audio loading

The Audio class in OpenSoundscape allows loading and manipulation of audio files.

Load .wav(s)

Load the example audio from file:

audio_object = Audio.from_file(audio_filename)

The interactive playback widget is displayed when an Audio object is returned from a notebook cell. We can also create the widget with .show_widget():

# create playback widget with normalized playback level

#do more things

Load a segment of a file

We can directly load a section of a .wav file very quickly (even if the audio file is large) using the offset and duration parameters.

For example, let’s load 1 second of audio from 2.0-3.0 seconds after the start of the file:

audio_segment = Audio.from_file(audio_filename,offset=2.0,duration=1.0)

Audio properties

The properties of an Audio object include its samples (the actual audio data) and the sample rate (the number of audio samples taken per second, required to understand the samples). After an audio file has been loaded, these properties can be accessed using the samples and sample_rate attributes, respectively.

print(f"How many samples does this audio object have? {len(audio_object.samples)}")
print(f"What is the sampling rate? {audio_object.sample_rate}")
How many samples does this audio object have? 1920000
What is the sampling rate? 32000

Resample audio during load

By default, an audio object is loaded with the same sample rate as the source recording.

The sample_rate parameter of Audio.from_file allows you to re-sample the file during the creation of the object. This is useful when working with multiple files to ensure that all files have a consistent sampling rate.

Let’s load the same audio file as above, but specify a sampling rate of 22050 Hz.

audio_object_resample = Audio.from_file(audio_filename, sample_rate=22050)

Load audio from a specific real-world time from AudioMoth recordings

OpenSoundscape parses metadata of files recorded on AudioMoth recorders, and can use the metadata to extract pieces of audio corresponding to specific real-world times. (Note that AudioMoth internal clocks can drift an estimated 10-60 seconds per month).

from datetime import datetime; import pytz

start_time = pytz.timezone('UTC').localize(datetime(2020,4,4,10,25))
audio_length = 5 #seconds
path = '/path/to/audiomoth_recording.WAV' #an AudioMoth recording

#this line is commented because it will fail unless you specify a valid path in the line above
# Audio.from_file(path, start_timestamp=start_time,duration=audio_length)

For other options when loading audio objects, see the Audio.from_file() documentation.

Audio methods

The Audio class gives access to a variety of tools to change audio files, load them with special properties, or get information about them. Various examples are shown below.

For a description of the entire Audio object API, see the API documentation.

NOTE: Out-of-place operations

Functions that modify Audio (and Spectrogram) objects are “out of place”, meaning that they return a new, modified instance of Audio instead of modifying the original instance. This means that running a line

audio_object.resample(22050) # WRONG!

will not change the sample rate of audio_object! If your goal was to overwrite audio_object with the new, resampled audio, you would instead write

audio_object = audio_object.resample(22050)

Save audio to file

Opensoundscape currently supports saving Audio objects to .wav formats only. It does not currently support saving metadata (tags) along with wav files - only the samples and sample rate will be preserved in the file.


clean up: delete saved file

from pathlib import Path

Measurements of Audio objects

Print the duration in seconds, rms (root mean square) value, and dBFS measurements:

print(f"duration: {audio_object.duration}")
print(f"rms: {audio_object.rms:0.3f}")
print(f"dBFS: {audio_object.dBFS:0.1f}")
duration: 60.0
rms: 0.013
dBFS: -34.5


The .trim() method extracts audio from a specified time period in seconds (relative to the start of the audio object).

trimmed = audio_object.trim(0,5)

Split Audio into clips

The .split() method divides audio into even-lengthed clips, optionally with overlap between adjacent clips (default is no overlap). See the function’s documentation for options on how to handle the last clip.

The function returns a list containing Audio objects for each clip and a DataFrame giving the start and end times of each clip with respect to the original file.


#split into 5-second clips with no overlap between adjacent clips
clips, clip_df = audio_object.split(clip_duration=5,clip_overlap=0,final_clip=None)

#check the duration of the Audio object in the first returned element
print(f"duration of first clip: {clips[0].duration}")

print(f"head of clip_df")
duration of first clip: 5.0
head of clip_df
start_time end_time
0 0.0 5.0
1 5.0 10.0
2 10.0 15.0

split with overlap

if we want overlap between consecutive clips

Note that a negative “overlap” value would leave gaps between consecutive clips.

_, clip_df = audio_object.split(clip_duration=5,clip_overlap=2.5,final_clip=None)
print(f"head of clip_df")
head of clip_df
start_time end_time
0 0.0 5.0
1 2.5 7.5
2 5.0 10.0
3 7.5 12.5
4 10.0 15.0

split and save

The Audio.split_and_save() method splits audio into clips and immediately saves them to files in a specified location. You provide it with a naming prefix, and it will add on a suffix indicating the start and end times of the clip (eg _5.0-10.0s.wav). It returns just a DataFrame with the paths and start/end times for each clip (it does not return Audio objects).

The splitting options are the same as .split(): clip_duration, clip_overlap, and final_clip

#split into 5-second clips with no overlap between adjacent clips
clip_df = audio_object.split_and_save(

print(f"head of clip_df")
head of clip_df
start_time end_time
./temp_audio/audio_clip__0.0s_5.0s.wav 0.0 5.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__5.0s_10.0s.wav 5.0 10.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__10.0s_15.0s.wav 10.0 15.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__15.0s_20.0s.wav 15.0 20.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__20.0s_25.0s.wav 20.0 25.0

The folder temp_audio should now contain 12 5-second clips created from the 60-second audio file.

clean up: delete temp folder of saved audio clips

from shutil import rmtree

split_and_save dry run

we can use the dry_run=True option to produce only the clip_df but not actually process the audio. this is useful as a quick test to see if the function is behaving as expected, before doing any (potentially slow) splitting on huge audio files.

Just for fun, we’ll use an overlap of -5 in this example (5 second gap between each consecutive clip)

This function returns a DataFrame of clips, but does not actually process the audio files or write any new files.

clip_df = audio_object.split_and_save(
start_time end_time
./temp_audio/audio_clip__0.0s_5.0s.wav 0.0 5.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__10.0s_15.0s.wav 10.0 15.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__20.0s_25.0s.wav 20.0 25.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__30.0s_35.0s.wav 30.0 35.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__40.0s_45.0s.wav 40.0 45.0
./temp_audio/audio_clip__50.0s_55.0s.wav 50.0 55.0

Extend and loop

The .extend_to() method extends an audio file to a desired length by adding silence to the end.

The .loop() method extends an audio file to a desired length (or number of repetitions) by looping the audio.

extend() example: create an Audio object twice as long as the original, extending with silence (0 valued samples)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# create an audio object twice as long, extending the end with silence (zero-values)
extended = trimmed.extend_to(trimmed.duration * 2)

print(f"duration of original clip: {trimmed.duration}")
print(f"duration of extended clip: {extended.duration}")
print(f"samples of extended clip:")
duration of original clip: 5.0
duration of extended clip: 10.0
samples of extended clip:
/Users/SML161/miniconda3/envs/opso_dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib_inline/ DeprecationWarning: InlineBackend._figure_format_changed is deprecated in traitlets 4.1: use @observe and @unobserve instead.
  def _figure_format_changed(self, name, old, new):

Looping example: create an audio object 1.5x as long, extending the end by looping

looped = trimmed.loop(trimmed.duration * 1.5)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2adc917c0>]

create an audio object that loops the original object 5 times and plot the samples

looped = trimmed.loop(n=5)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2adcf7d30>]


The .resample() method resamples the audio object to a new sampling rate (can be lower or higher than the original sampling rate)

resampled = trimmed.resample(sample_rate=48000)

Generate a frequency spectrum

The .spectrum() method provides an easy way to compute a Fourier Transform on an audio object to measure its frequency composition.

# calculate the fft
fft_spectrum, frequencies = trimmed.spectrum()

#plot settings
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']=[15,5] #for big visuals
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# plot
plt.ylabel('Fast Fourier Transform (V**2/Hz)')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Frequency (Hz)')


Bandpass the audio file to limit its frequency range to 1000 Hz to 5000 Hz. The bandpass operation uses a Butterworth filter with a user-provided order.

# apply a bandpass filter
bandpassed = trimmed.bandpass(low_f = 1000, high_f = 5000, order=9)

# calculate the bandpassed audio's spectrum
fft_spectrum, frequencies = bandpassed.spectrum()

# plot
print('spectrum after bandpassing the audio:')
plt.ylabel('Fast Fourier Transform (V**2/Hz)')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
spectrum after bandpassing the audio:
Text(0.5, 0, 'Frequency (Hz)')

Spectrogram creation

Load spectrogram

A Spectrogram object can be created from an audio object using the from_audio() method.

audio_object = Audio.from_file(audio_filename)
spectrogram_object = Spectrogram.from_audio(audio_object)

Spectrogram properties

To check the time and frequency axes of a spectrogram, you can look at its times and frequencies attributes. The times attribute is the list of the spectrogram windows’ centers’ times in seconds relative to the beginning of the audio. The frequencies attribute is the list of frequencies represented by each row of the spectrogram. These are not the actual values of the spectrogram — just the values of the axes.

spec = Spectrogram.from_audio(Audio.from_file(audio_filename))
print(f'the first few times: {spec.times[0:5]}')
print(f'the first few frequencies: {spec.frequencies[0:5]}')
the first few times: [0.008 0.016 0.024 0.032 0.04 ]
the first few frequencies: [  0.   62.5 125.  187.5 250. ]

Plot spectrogram

A Spectrogram object can be visualized using its plot() method.

audio_object = Audio.from_file(audio_filename)
spectrogram_object = Spectrogram.from_audio(audio_object)

Spectrogram parameters

Spectrograms are created using “windows”. A window is a subset of consecutive samples of the original audio that is analyzed to create one pixel in the horizontal direction (one “column”) on the resulting spectrogram. The appearance of a spectrogram depends on two parameters that control the size and spacing of these windows:

Samples per window, window_samples

This parameter is the length (in audio samples) of each spectrogram window. Choosing the value for window_samples represents a trade-off between frequency resolution and time resolution:

  • Larger value for window_samples –> higher frequency resolution (more rows in a single spectrogram column)
  • Smaller value for window_samples –> higher time resolution (more columns in the spectrogram per second)

Overlap of consecutive windows, overlap_samples

overlap_samples: this is the number of audio samples that will be re-used (overlap) between two consecutive Specrogram windows. It must be less than window_samples and greater than or equal to zero. Zero means no overlap between windows, while a value of window_samples/2 would give 50% overlap between consecutive windows. Using higher overlap percentages can sometimes yield better time resolution in a spectrogram, but will take more computational time to generate.

Spectrogram parameter tradeoffs

When there is zero overlap between windows, the number of columns per second is equal to the size in Hz of each spectrogram row. Consider the relationship between time resolution (columns in the spectrogram per second) and frequency resolution (rows in a given frequency range) in the following example:

  • Let sample_rate=48000, window_samples=480, and overlap_samples=0
  • Each window (“spectrogram column”) represents 480/48000 = 1/100 = 0.01 seconds of audio
  • There will be 1/(length of window in seconds) = 1/0.01 = 100 columns in the spectrogram per second.
  • Each pixel will span 100 Hz in the frequency dimension, i.e., the lowest pixel spans 0-100 Hz, the next lowest 100-200 Hz, then 200-300 Hz, etc.

If window_samples=4800, then the spectrogram would have better time resolution (each window represents only 4800/48000 = 0.001s of audio) but worse frequency resolution (each row of the spectrogram would represent 1000 Hz in the frequency range).

As an example, let’s create two spectrograms, one with hight time resolution and another with high frequency resolution.

# Load audio
audio = Audio.from_file(audio_filename, sample_rate=22000).trim(0,5)

Create a spectrogram with high time resolution

Using window_samples=55 and overlap_samples=0 gives 55/22000 = 0.0025 seconds of audio per window, or 1/0.0025 = 400 windows per second. Each spectrogram pixel spans 400 Hz.

spec = Spectrogram.from_audio(audio, window_samples=55, overlap_samples=0)

Create a spectrogram with high frequency resolution

Using window_samples=1100 and overlap_samples=0 gives 1100/22000 = 0.05 seconds of audio per window, or 1/0.05 = 20 windows per second. Each spectrogram pixel spans 20 Hz.

spec = Spectrogram.from_audio(audio, window_samples=1100, overlap_samples=0)

For other options when loading spectrogram objects from audio objects, see the from_audio() documentation.

Spectrogram methods

The tools and features of the spectrogram class are demonstrated here, including plotting; how spectrograms can be generated from modified audio; saving a spectrogram as an image; customizing a spectrogram; trimming and bandpassing a spectrogram; and calculating the amplitude signal from a spectrogram.


A Spectrogram object can be plotted using its plot() method.

audio_object = Audio.from_file(audio_filename)
spectrogram_object = Spectrogram.from_audio(audio_object)

Load modified audio

Sometimes, you may wish to trim or modify an audio object before creating a spectrogram. In this case, you should first modify the Audio object, then call Spectrogram.from_audio().

For example, the code below demonstrates creating a spectrogram from a 5 second long trim of the audio object. Compare this plot to the plot above.

# Trim the original audio
trimmed = audio_object.trim(0, 5)

# Create a spectrogram from the trimmed audio
spec = Spectrogram.from_audio(trimmed)

# Plot the spectrogram

Save spectrogram to file

To save the created spectrogram, first convert it to an image. It will no longer be an OpenSoundscape Spectrogram object, but instead a Python Image Library (PIL) Image object.

print("Type of `spectrogram_audio` (before conversion):", type(spectrogram_object))
spectrogram_image = spectrogram_object.to_image()
print("Type of `spectrogram_image` (after conversion):", type(spectrogram_image))
Type of `spectrogram_audio` (before conversion): <class 'opensoundscape.spectrogram.Spectrogram'>
Type of `spectrogram_image` (after conversion): <class 'PIL.Image.Image'>

Save the PIL Image using its save() method, supplying the filename at which you want to save the image.

image_path = Path('./saved_spectrogram.png')

To save the spectrogram at a desired size, specify the image shape when converting the Spectrogram to a PIL Image.

image_shape = (512,512)
large_image_path = Path('./saved_spectrogram_large.png')
spectrogram_image = spectrogram_object.to_image(shape=image_shape)

Delete the files created above.



Spectrograms can be trimmed in time using trim(). Trim the above spectrogram to zoom in on one vocalization.

spec_trimmed = spec.trim(1.7, 3.9)


Spectrograms can be trimmed in frequency using bandpass(). This simply subsets the Spectrogram array rather than performing an audio-domain filter.

For instance, the vocalization zoomed in on above is the song of a Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia), one of the highest-frequency bird songs in our area. Set its approximate frequency range.

baww_low_freq = 5500
baww_high_freq = 9500

Bandpass the above time-trimmed spectrogram in frequency as well to limit the spectrogram view to the vocalization of interest.

spec_bandpassed = spec_trimmed.bandpass(baww_low_freq, baww_high_freq)

Sum the columns of a spectrogram

The .amplitude() method sums the columns of the spectrogram to create a one-dimensional amplitude versus time vector.

Note: the amplitude of the Spectrogram (and FFT) has units of power (V**2) over frequency (Hz) on a logarithmic scale

# calculate amplitude signal
high_freq_amplitude = spec_trimmed.amplitude()

# plot
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.xlabel('time (sec)')

It is also possible to get the amplitude signal from a restricted range of frequencies, for instance, to look at the amplitude in the frequency range of a species of interest. For example, get the amplitude signal from the 8000 Hz to 8500 Hz range of the audio (displayed below):

spec_bandpassed = spec_trimmed.bandpass(8000, 8500)

Get and plot the amplitude signal of only 8-8.5 kHz.

# Get amplitude signal
high_freq_amplitude = spec_trimmed.amplitude(freq_range=[8000,8500])

# Get amplitude signal
high_freq_amplitude = spec_trimmed.amplitude(freq_range=[8000,8500])

# Plot signal
plt.plot(spec_trimmed.times, high_freq_amplitude)
plt.xlabel('time (sec)')

Amplitude signals like these can be used to identify periodic calls, like those by many species of frogs. A pulsing-call identification pipeline called RIBBIT is implemented in OpenSoundscape.

Amplitude signals may not be the most reliable method of identification for species like birds. In this case, it is possible to create a machine learning algorithm to identify calls based on their appearance on spectrograms.

The developers of OpenSoundscape have trained machine learning models for over 500 common North American bird species; for examples of how to download demonstration models, see the Prediction with pre-trained CNNs tutorial.

clean up

#delete the file we downloaded for the tutorial