Train classifiers on BirdNET or Perch embeddings

This notebook shows examples of how to train simple one-layer or multi-layer fully-connected neural networks (aka multi-layer perceptron networks, MLPs) on Perch [1] and BirdNET [2], which are TensorFlow models. For a more general introduction to transfer learning tools in OpenSoundscape see the transfer_learning.ipynb notebook, which focuses on PyTorch (rather than Tensorflow) embedding models.

Though BirdNET and Perch are TensorFlow models, we can still use them as feature extractors (to generate embeddings) and train shallow classifiers on top of them with PyTorch. We just won’t be able to train the feature extractor weights at all.

For this notebook, you’ll need a Python environment with tensorflow and tensorflow-hub packages installed. If you want cuda gpu acceleration on a linux machine, check this table for the tensorflow and cudnn package versions you’ll need to be compatible with your current CUDA version (you can check the cuda version on your machine by calling nvidia-smi from command line). Note that the cudnn package version might conflict with which version PyTorch wants, so we recommend creating separate Python environments for pytorch and tensorflow cuda-compatability.

Note that in this tutorial, all classifiers are trained as multi-target (each class is predicted independently, such that any sample can have 0, 1, or >1 classes present). Most bioacoustics classification tasks are multi-target.

Note on Error “module not found: bioacoustics_model_zoo” when using multiprocessing (num_workers>0): if you get an error to this effect, please install the bioacoustics_model_zoo as a package in your python environment: pip install git+ as the torch.hub api seems to have trouble with multiprocessing for some model classes.

[1] Ghani, B., T. Denton, S. Kahl, H. Klinck, T. Denton, S. Kahl, and H. Klinck. 2023. Global birdsong embeddings enable superior transfer learning for bioacoustic classification. Scientific Reports 13:22876.

[2] Kahl, Stefan, et al. “BirdNET: A deep learning solution for avian diversity monitoring.” Ecological Informatics 61 (2021): 101236.

Run this tutorial

This tutorial is more than a reference! It’s a Jupyter Notebook which you can run and modify on Google Colab or your own computer.

Link to tutorial

How to run tutorial

Open In Colab

The link opens the tutorial in Google Colab. Uncomment the “installation” line in the first cell to install OpenSoundscape.

Download via DownGit

The link downloads the tutorial file to your computer. Follow the Jupyter installation instructions, then open the tutorial file in Jupyter.

# if this is a Google Colab notebook, install opensoundscape in the runtime environment
if 'google.colab' in str(get_ipython()):
  %pip install git+ ipykernel==5.5.6 ipython==7.34.0 pillow==9.4.0


Import needed packages

import torch
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
from glob import glob
import sklearn

from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score, roc_auc_score
from pathlib import Path

#set up plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']=[15,5] #for large visuals
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# opensoundscape transfer learning tools
from import MLPClassifier, quick_fit, fit_classifier_on_embeddings

/var/folders/d8/265wdp1n0bn_r85dh3pp95fh0000gq/T/ipykernel_14108/ TqdmExperimentalWarning: Using `tqdm.autonotebook.tqdm` in notebook mode. Use `tqdm.tqdm` instead to force console mode (e.g. in jupyter console)
  from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

Set random seeds

Set manual seeds for Pytorch and Python. These essentially “fix” the results of any stochastic steps in model training, ensuring that training results are reproducible. You probably don’t want to do this when you actually train your model, but it’s useful for debugging.


Download and prepare training data

Download example files

Download a set of aquatic soundscape recordings with annotations of Rana sierrae vocalizations. If you already have them, you can skip this step.

Option 1: run the cell below

  • if you get a 403 error, DataDryad suspects you are a bot. Use Option 2.

Option 2:

  • Download and unzip the folder containing audio and annotations from this public Dryad dataset

  • Move the unzipped rana_sierrae_2022 folder into the current folder

# Note: the "!" preceding each line below allows us to run bash commands in a Jupyter notebook
# If you are not running this code in a notebook, input these commands into your terminal instead
!wget -O;
!unzip rana_sierrae_2022;
--2024-10-08 13:34:24--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2024-10-08 13:34:24 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
Archive:  rana_sierrae_2022.ZIP
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.

Prepare audio data

See the train_cnn.ipynb tutorial for step-by-step walkthrough of this process, or just run the cells below to prepare a trainig set.

# Set the current directory to where the folder `rana_sierrae_2022` is located:
dataset_path = Path("./rana_sierrae_2022/")

# let's generate clip labels of 5s duration (to match Perch input duration) using the raven annotations
# and some utility functions from opensoundscape
from opensoundscape.annotations import BoxedAnnotations
audio_and_raven_files = pd.read_csv(f"{dataset_path}/audio_and_raven_files.csv")
# update the paths to where we have the audio and raven files stored
audio_and_raven_files['audio'] = audio_and_raven_files['audio'].apply(lambda x: f"{dataset_path}/{x}")
audio_and_raven_files['raven'] = audio_and_raven_files['raven'].apply(lambda x: f"{dataset_path}/{x}")

annotations = BoxedAnnotations.from_raven_files(raven_files=audio_and_raven_files['raven'], audio_files=audio_and_raven_files['audio'],annotation_column='annotation')
# generate labels for 5s clips, including any labels that overlap by at least 0.2 seconds
labels = annotations.clip_labels(clip_duration=3,min_label_overlap=0.2)

Inspect labels

Count number of each annotation type:

Note that the ‘X’ label is for when the annotator was uncertain about the identity of a call. Labels A-E denote distinct call types.

A    585
E    154
D     61
B     22
C     91
X    120
dtype: int64

split into training and validation data

We’ll just focus on class ‘A’, the call type with the most annotations. We’ll randomly split the clips into training and validation data, acknowledging that this approach does not test the ability of the model to generalize. Since the samples in the training and validation sets could be adjascent 2-second audio clips, good performance could simply mean the model has memorized the training samples, and the validation set has very similar samples.

labels_train, labels_val = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(labels[['A']])

Train classification head on BirdNET

The BirdNET and Perch models provided in the Bioacoustics Model Zoo have a .tf_model attribute containing the TensorFlow inference model and a .network attribute containing a trainable PyTorch classification head, specifically an instance of the MLPCLassifier class. To train a custom classifier on the embeddings extracted by these models, we just need to (1) embed the training and validation samples, then (2) pass the embeddings and labels to the method.

This is equivalent to passing the .netowork to the the method, so you can also experiment with generating your own classification heads (e.g. various instances of MLPClassifier) and fitting each of them on the embeddings. See the transfer learning tutorial for further examples.

from import bioacoustics_model_zoo as bmz
birdnet = bmz.load('BirdNET')
Downloading: "" to /Users/SML161/.cache/torch/hub/
File BirdNET_GLOBAL_6K_V2.4_Labels_af.txt already exists; skipping download.
downloading model from URL...
File BirdNET_GLOBAL_6K_V2.4_Model_FP16.tflite already exists; skipping download.
/Users/SML161/miniconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/opensoundscape/ml/ UserWarning:
                    This architecture is not listed in
                    It will not be available for loading after saving the model with .save() (unless using pickle=True).
                    To make it re-loadable, define a function that generates the architecture from arguments: (n_classes, n_channels)
                    then use to register the generating function.

                    The function can also set the returned object's .constructor_name to the registered string key in ARCH_DICT
                    to avoid this warning and ensure it is reloaded correctly by

                    See module for examples of constructor functions

/Users/SML161/miniconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/opensoundscape/ml/ UserWarning: Failed to detect expected # input channels of this architecture.Make sure your architecture expects the number of channels equal to `channels` argument 1). Pytorch architectures generally expect 3 channels by default.
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.

In general, generating embeddings will take a bit of time (because it requires loading, preprocessing, and embedding samples) but training shallow classifiers will be fast.

emb_train = birdnet.embed(labels_train, return_dfs=False, batch_size=128, num_workers=0)
emb_val = birdnet.embed(labels_val, return_dfs=False, batch_size=128, num_workers=0)
# We want to train the classifier on the 'A' class here, corresponding to the primary R. sierrae call type.
# Let's replace fc output layer with 1-output layer for class 'A'
classes = ['A']

# fit the classification head with embeddings and labels, labels_train.values, emb_val, labels_val.values)
Epoch 100/1000, Loss: 0.33055105805397034, Val Loss: 0.3374572694301605
val AU ROC: 0.823
val MAP: 0.823
Epoch 200/1000, Loss: 0.2898256480693817, Val Loss: 0.32127392292022705
val AU ROC: 0.828
val MAP: 0.828
Epoch 300/1000, Loss: 0.26516634225845337, Val Loss: 0.32036998867988586
val AU ROC: 0.827
val MAP: 0.827
Epoch 400/1000, Loss: 0.24709735810756683, Val Loss: 0.324081689119339
val AU ROC: 0.821
val MAP: 0.821
Epoch 500/1000, Loss: 0.23241737484931946, Val Loss: 0.3291389048099518
val AU ROC: 0.818
val MAP: 0.818
Epoch 600/1000, Loss: 0.21972905099391937, Val Loss: 0.3344644606113434
val AU ROC: 0.813
val MAP: 0.813
Epoch 700/1000, Loss: 0.2083706259727478, Val Loss: 0.33978548645973206
val AU ROC: 0.810
val MAP: 0.810
Epoch 800/1000, Loss: 0.19800186157226562, Val Loss: 0.34509751200675964
val AU ROC: 0.807
val MAP: 0.807
Epoch 900/1000, Loss: 0.18842820823192596, Val Loss: 0.35046273469924927
val AU ROC: 0.804
val MAP: 0.804
Epoch 1000/1000, Loss: 0.1795252412557602, Val Loss: 0.35594499111175537
val AU ROC: 0.802
val MAP: 0.802
Training complete
# make predictions by passing the embeddings through the classifier
preds =
# calculate the area under the ROC score

to visualize the performance, let’s plot histograms of classifier logit scores for positive and negative samples

it shows that precision is ok for scores above 2 (few negatives get high scores), but recall is only moderate (many positive samples get low scores)

preds = preds.detach().numpy()
/Users/SML161/miniconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib_inline/ DeprecationWarning: InlineBackend._figure_format_changed is deprecated in traitlets 4.1: use @observe and @unobserve instead.
  def _figure_format_changed(self, name, old, new):
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2df4ef160>

Train shallow classifier on Perch embeddings

Training classifiers on Perch works the same way!

Since Perch uses 5 second audio clips as inputs, we’ll first re-generate clip labels for 5 second audio segments from the annotated Rana sierrae dataset.

As before, well just work on the ‘A’ type call for this example

tag = "birdnet_train" # the branch of the model zoo with compatible models
perch = torch.hub.load(
        f"kitzeslab/bioacoustics-model-zoo:{tag}", 'Perch', trust_repo=True,
Using cache found in /Users/SML161/.cache/torch/hub/kitzeslab_bioacoustics-model-zoo_birdnet_train
/Users/SML161/miniconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/opensoundscape/ml/ UserWarning:
                    This architecture is not listed in
                    It will not be available for loading after saving the model with .save() (unless using pickle=True).
                    To make it re-loadable, define a function that generates the architecture from arguments: (n_classes, n_channels)
                    then use to register the generating function.

                    The function can also set the returned object's .constructor_name to the registered string key in ARCH_DICT
                    to avoid this warning and ensure it is reloaded correctly by

                    See module for examples of constructor functions

/Users/SML161/miniconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.9/site-packages/opensoundscape/ml/ UserWarning: Failed to detect expected # input channels of this architecture.Make sure your architecture expects the number of channels equal to `channels` argument 1). Pytorch architectures generally expect 3 channels by default.
emb_train = perch.embed(labels_train, return_dfs=False, batch_size=128, num_workers=0)
emb_val = perch.embed(labels_val, return_dfs=False, batch_size=128, num_workers=0)
2024-10-08 13:36:03.559267: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/] XLA service 0x3c3fdf300 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:
2024-10-08 13:36:03.559289: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/]   StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version
2024-10-08 13:36:03.814617: I tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/utils/] disabling MLIR crash reproducer, set env var `MLIR_CRASH_REPRODUCER_DIRECTORY` to enable.
2024-10-08 13:36:03.846980: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/kernels/] Ignoring Assert operator jax2tf_infer_fn_/assert_equal_1/Assert/AssertGuard/Assert
2024-10-08 13:36:05.217674: I ./tensorflow/compiler/jit/device_compiler.h:186] Compiled cluster using XLA!  This line is logged at most once for the lifetime of the process.
2024-10-08 13:36:05.231171: E ./tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/stream_executor_internal.h:124] SetPriority unimplemented for this stream.
2024-10-08 13:40:35.134978: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/kernels/] Ignoring Assert operator jax2tf_infer_fn_/assert_equal_1/Assert/AssertGuard/Assert
2024-10-08 13:42:09.782231: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/kernels/] Ignoring Assert operator jax2tf_infer_fn_/assert_equal_1/Assert/AssertGuard/Assert
perch.change_classes(['A']) # replace fc layer with 1-output layer
quick_fit(, emb_train, labels_train.values, emb_val, labels_val.values,steps=1000)
Epoch 100/1000, Loss: 0.4348709285259247, Val Loss: 0.4204502999782562
val AU ROC: 0.797
val MAP: 0.797
Epoch 200/1000, Loss: 0.38083168864250183, Val Loss: 0.3726308345794678
val AU ROC: 0.812
val MAP: 0.812
Epoch 300/1000, Loss: 0.3522585928440094, Val Loss: 0.3506649434566498
val AU ROC: 0.823
val MAP: 0.823
Epoch 400/1000, Loss: 0.3324108123779297, Val Loss: 0.33769121766090393
val AU ROC: 0.829
val MAP: 0.829
Epoch 500/1000, Loss: 0.3167117238044739, Val Loss: 0.32872632145881653
val AU ROC: 0.834
val MAP: 0.834
Epoch 600/1000, Loss: 0.3035616874694824, Val Loss: 0.321988046169281
val AU ROC: 0.837
val MAP: 0.837
Epoch 700/1000, Loss: 0.29223692417144775, Val Loss: 0.31672316789627075
val AU ROC: 0.840
val MAP: 0.840
Epoch 800/1000, Loss: 0.28230735659599304, Val Loss: 0.31254294514656067
val AU ROC: 0.842
val MAP: 0.842
Epoch 900/1000, Loss: 0.27346834540367126, Val Loss: 0.30920472741127014
val AU ROC: 0.843
val MAP: 0.843
Epoch 1000/1000, Loss: 0.2654900848865509, Val Loss: 0.30653616786003113
val AU ROC: 0.844
val MAP: 0.844
Training complete
# make predictions by passing the embeddings through the classifier
preds =

# plot histogram of scores for positive and negative clips

# calculate the area under the ROC score

Variations on training

The Perch and BirdNET classes from the model zoo implement a .train() function that wraps together the embedding and classifier training shown in this tutorial. So for the least lines of code, you can simply load the model, change classes to your target classes, and run .train():

from import bioacoustics_model_zoo as bmz

# load a model from the model zoo
model = bmz.load('BirdNET')
# or model = bmz.load('Perch')

# define classes for your custom classifier

# fit the trainable PyTorch classifier (``) on your labels

# run inference using your custom classifier

OpenSoundscape also provides tools to generate embeddings for augmented variations of the input samples (opensoundscape.shallow_classifier.augmented_embed()), which could improve the classifiers performance and generalizability. See the transfer learning tutorial for further examples of this and other workflows.

Here are a few other tools from the shallow_classifiers module to check out:

  • augmented_embed(): generate embeddings for each sample multiple times, with stochastic augmentation on the audio clips

  • fit_classifier_on_embeddings(): this function wraps together the embedding step with the classifier fitting step into a single operation, with support for generating augmented variations of training samples. It returns the embeddings and labels, in case you want to train additional classifiers on them

  • MLPClassifier: this class creates a neural network with one or more fully connected layers. This object can be trained by passing it to quick_fit() or fit_classifier_on_embeddings(), or by running the .fit() method (equivalent to quick_fit()). The input size should match the embedding size of the embedding model, and the output size should match the number of classes your model predicts on.